Monday 1 December 2008

Complications, Solutions and Ponderations

Oh, my stars! This is going to be a bit more complicated than I thought. It seems that I can't upload PDF files directly to my Blogger page, instead I'm going to have to find a free hosting site and provide links to the documents for people (well persons, there won't be many to begin with) to download from there. Googledocs seems interesting and provides the opportunity to publish a document as a PDF or as a web page, which might come in handy for those who don't want to use up valuable ink on a short story by an author they've never even heard of before and may never want to read again. Before I go live with the whole mad dash for next year, Ill be putting up a short article of some description later today in order to test the functionality of Googledocs and whether or not it'sgoingto work for me.

After some consideration, Ive decided that I'm almost certainly going to be publishing anything I write for this project under a variation of the Creative Commons licence, with the understanding that I have no objection to others translating the work into other languages or creating new versions of the work itself such as editing suggestions or making music, poetry or youtube videos etc. so long as they don't create entirely new works of fiction based on the characters or situations, as I may wish to revisit them at a later date to expand on what has happened, write sequels or follow ups. All of this of course is based on the proviso that this is not done for commercial gain. There, all of the legal bit done for now.

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