Saturday 20 December 2008

New Story: No. 3 of 52 - Hanging Around

Apologies for the delay, the story should have been posted hours ago. Unfortunately my internet connection was temporarily borked, something that's been happening a lot lately. Anyway, it's back on now and the new story titled "Hanging Around" is up as a post on the story only blog here.

I have to admit that it's been a lot of fun writing it, despite my uncertainty over where to stop telling the story of Grahams evening. As luck would have it I think I chose the right place, since delving any further into Graham's life at that particular point would have made me... uncomfortable shall we say. It's a problem I may have to get over one day, but hopefully not for a while as that's one area I can honestly say I'm not cheerful about tackling. It's not that I'm a prude, far from it, just that I'm not sure a writer as green as I am right now is able to convey a scene of that nature with any degree of subtlety or finesse.

As usual, the work is published under a Creative Commons license, so feel free to share it around if you like it. If you do like it, (or even if you don't) feel free to comment, since feedback is the only way I can find out if I'm doing things well or badly.

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