Tuesday 2 December 2008

A New Potential File Host

I seem to have found a file host that may be suitable to my needs, so I'll be posting the sharing URL in a few minutes. From what I can gather from the t&c's on the site itself downloaders will be subjected to a short advert before being re-directed to the download. The content of these adverts isn't specified, but Web Of Trust gives the site a good rating so hopefully there won't be anything inappropriate in the ads, however if it turns out that there is, just say so in the comments and I will immediately look for an alternative host.

By the way the article I'll be posting consists of me waffling about writing science fiction. This doesn't mean I'll be posting science fiction stories, although I reserve the right to do so, just that I've been thinking about potential problems if I ever write one. The article is also very short, more of potential blog post that I wrote to myself before I had actually considered starting a blog. If all goes well the first proper story will go up later tonight, or early tomorrow morning.

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