Friday 5 December 2008

The Perils Of Procrastination.

It can very detrimental to a person's work rate when trying to do any work on a pc connected to the web. I finally had the idea for my new story last night, so got up this morning to start writing it, so far I have written (clicks tab for and checks word count) 473 words.

I have also checked both of the blogs I'm following here on blogger, the blogs I follow elsewhere (which I will get around to linking to, probably after I've finished this post!), added a countdown gadget to try and bully myself into working faster, set up an account at , re-sorted the order my Fast Dial windows are ranked in, added an extension to FireFox, drank several cups of tea (the kettle is boiling for another one right now.), created a few new play lists for windows media player, thoroughly researched every piece of data on my chosen story matter (that might count as work I suppose.) and given serious consideration to starting a companion blog to this one where the stories will be written in full as blog posts with a download link at the bottom, that way people can read the stories to see if they like them first before going to the trouble of downloading them.

See? Dangerous. An electronic repository of human knowledge at my fingertips is a very difficult proposition to resist. I'm off now to drink tea, procrastinate some more and maybe even consider doing some actual writing as well.

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