Monday 1 December 2008

Shouting Into The Void

Hello to anyone who has found this place by accident, I'm pleased to be talking to you. Hello also to the friends and family members who I've already told about my web based blatherations and where to find them. This is where I, under the pen name Ellison Thomas, will be publishing one story, once a week, as soon as I've figured out how to do it.

Where to start as to the reasons why? Well firstly, in the current finacial climate publishers are going to be reluctant to take risks on an unknown quantity. Secondly, I have no idea how good I actually am. I think I'm pretty good, better than some who get published, but then again I'm sure everyone who has ever put pen to paper to tell a story that they believe is fresh and different thinks that as well and I bet most of them are pretty darned awful. Mine might be too, since I've only previously shown them to close friends and family who might simply be sparing my feelings. Thirdly is going to take a paragraph all of its own.

The third and most important reason I'm doing this is pressure. I genuinely believe that I have a small modicum of talent. Enough that I one day may be able to do this for a living. The big problems that I have are motivation and application. I have always been able to tell myself amusing stories inside my own head, so the messy and time consuming business of committing them to paper has been my repeated downfall. This must end and end quickly, if I'm ever going to be able to tell the world that I am, in fact, a writer. Currently I am that most wretched of creatures the aspiring writer. Anyone with a serious interest in fiction knows one of these pathetic individuals and frankly, I'm tired of being one. At the top of every prolific and successful authors list of advice to aspiring writers is application and it's high time I put that into practice.

Once I've figured out how to post my stories as downloadable PDF's, the first one will go up and the blog can be considered truly live; checking back after seven days will reveal another story ready to go. I will make no promises as to the quality of all of my work as I'll be learning on the fly, hopefully putting the lessons learned from one story into the next so reading them in order of publication should (in theory) reveal a gradual increase in the overall quality of the stories. That's all for now, other information to follow once I've figured what the hell I've just gotten myself into!

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